Retaining Walls: Economical Benefits of Using Redi-Rock Retaining Walls -Blog post

Retaining Walls: RediRock was approved by the UK Highway Authority’s Product Approval Scheme (HAPAS) in 2018. However, prior to its introduction into the Highways England network, its proprietary modular block system was further reviewed by contractor Kier Highways in collaboration with engineer Jacobs Atkins Joint Carriage. The validated efficiency of the 2.9-kilometer (1.8-mile) RediRock retaining wall used to upgrade two sections of the road to the smart highway rewarded diligence in the form of £ 16 million.

Retaining Walls Sydney Contracting Engineers SCE Corp
Redirock Sydney Contracting Engineers SCE Corp

With different terrains and different requirements along the 27.5km (17 miles) of the roadway, Kier Highways is an innovative retaining wall solution early in the planning process to avoid buying land for modernisation. Their assessment included analysing the structural and geotechnical performance of the solution and performing cost comparisons for walls as high as less than 1.5 meters (5 feet) up to 3.5 meters (11.5 feet). As part of the M20, J35 and M23, J810 intelligent highway upgrades, shoulders had to be widened to accommodate additional lanes, emergency areas, and portals. Kier worked with project designer Jacobs Atkins Joint Venture to evaluate the efficiency of various retaining wall solutions.

Potential wall system is considered in the project. Cantilever walls, seat stakes plunged from temporary platforms, seat stakes plunged from street levels with lane closures, adjacent boring stake walls, prefabricated modular block (PMB) gravity walls, gabion gravity walls, gravity wall PMBs, especially Somerset After analysis, Marshall CPM’s RediRock block, a maker based, was at the forefront of the cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution.

The RediRock gravity wall relies on the enormous mass of concrete blocks and the patented dome and groove interlock technology to withstand the pressure of the retained soil. With an extensive library of blocks weighing 5342,190 kilograms (1,1604,840 pounds) and 7102,440 millimetres (2896 inches) wide, gravity walls can be built over 6 meters (20 feet) high. increase. Compared to the other options analysed, Redi-Rock offered: 

Lower Cost:

significantly cheaper than cast in situ alternatives that require multi-stage construction and expensive formwork, as well as the ability to eliminate additional land purchase and reduce digging due to being built in a small area that makes it cost-effective and environmentally friendly.


prefabrication in a controlled environment improves the quality of the end result, and RediRock blocks provide the texture of natural stone to improve the aesthetic of the finished wall and on the top it is cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Environmentally Friendly retaining walls:

Made with 25% recycled materials, while eliminating on-site formwork waste and reducing environmental impact digging, RediRock blocks are CE marked for safety and performance with age. 120 years lifespan.

Installation Efficiencies of retaining walls:

Kier’s team was able to install the weighing walls without special equipment at a rate of 75 square meters (800 square feet) per day because the blocks stacked seamlessly and dried, reducing labor time andit is cost-effective and environmentally friendly. on construction sites and improve safety along highways.

For the Highways England project, Marshalls CPM worked with stakeholders to create a custom solution that would speed installation through exterior construction and improve the quality of the end result. Customisation includes modifying the top block for walls over 1.5 meters (5 feet) to include an outlet for the balustrade allowing secure access for inspection and maintenance. The balustrades are installed as part of a factory-controlled quality system, further saving time on site.

For his work on retaining walls, Kier was nominated for the 2020 SECBE Construction Excellence Award in the Civil Project category and went on to win awards in the Health and Safety category. When completed, the Highways England Efficiency Registry – where initiatives that save time or money are independently recorded, evaluated and verified – have shown that using RediRock has resulted in cost-effective and environmentally friendly. With 5.6% of the total project budget, dedicated to smart motorway upgrades, Highways, England customers are very pleased with the results as well as it was a cost-effective and environmentally friendly. The 2.9 km (1.8 mi) retaining wall is completed with the Cobblestone texture in 2020. project effective cost more than 16 million pounds. With the appearance of six smaller blocks per RediRock block, the walls provide an attractive road feature.


Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). (2021). Two highway projects save £16m using Redi-Rock retaining walls. [online] Available at:

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